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We have been craftsmen,
for more than 10 years.
And this is our secret.
The whitened hands of our master builders coupled with the innovative minds of our designers. Generations and skills that intertwine in contemporary expertise are our biggest revolution. We see true craftsmanship as the symbiosis of uniqueness, an ability to take care of every detail and the freedom to choose. It means being able to focus anew on quality, an absolute value for us, one with a deep love we have for this profession.


The ArtAffresco workshop presents a website of handmade murals for visitors to familiarise themselves with unique ideas in the field of interior and facade decoration. Our unique technology and the manual labour of our craftsmen make it possible to produce seamless sheets 3 meters 20 cm wide and more than 8 metres long.

ArtAffresco murals provide advantages such as:

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